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Education Should Have No Barriers

CorrectionalEd offers equitable access to established learning and reference content for incarcerated learners at all levels. Our secure, carceral-optimized platform offers resources tailored for juvenile, adult basic, secondary, and higher education, sourced from thousands of curated content providers. These resources seamlessly integrate into courses and training programs within correctional institutions. 


We go beyond traditional education resources by providing re-entry training to support users transitioning from the corrections environment. At CorrectionalEd, we help lower recidivism rates through education and skill-building. CorrectionalEd also provides access to a Learning & Employment Record (LER) solution that facilitates matching the reentering individual’s skills and credentials with open jobs that can lead to higher compensation, greater fulfillment and successful sustained re-entry.

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Supported by EBSCO, Driven by EBSCOed

CorrectionalEd is supported by both EBSCO and EBSCOed. EBSCO is an industry leader in library and education solutions. EBSCO is renowned for its comprehensive learning and reference databases that allow for easy access to premium educational content and tools. EBSCOed specializes in offering cutting-edge, workforce-ready solutions that bridge the gap between education and workforce. Our collaboration with EBSCO and EBSCOed underscores our commitment to providing educational and workforce solutions to incarcerated individuals and our mission to empower and support learners within corrections systems, equipping them with the tools and resources they need to succeed academically and professionally.

What We Offer

Re-entry resources and tools to support users on their transition journey. 

Higher Ed Reference Content

CorrectionalEd offers flagship higher ed reference databases from EBSCO and other leading entities, providing a comprehensive reference library equal to those in colleges and universities across the US.

Adult Basic Education Content

CorrectionalEd offers best-in-class content to support ABE courses for learners of all ages and education  levels.

Vocational & Skills Preparation

CorrectionalEd offers test prep and training content, for learners preparing for a wide range of jobs upon release.

Let’s Transform Lives and Create Brighter Futures Beyond Incarceration, Together. 

Contact us today for a live demo.

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